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Hello and welcome to my blog! I am Vivienne, living in the UK and married with a son who now lives in Perth, Australia and a daughter who has given me two gorgeous grandsons! Paint Shop has been my hobby for more years than I can remember and I love making tags. I have always loved doing tutorials written by others and a couple of years ago started writing them myself. As well as tag tutorials, I also have a Tips and Tricks page where you will find tutorials on basic Paint Shop techniques. I hope you enjoy my blog and have fun with my tutorials. Please be sure also to check out the Tag Gallery and see some of the awesome results to the tutorials!

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Alicia Mujica - LDS1095 LDS_584 AMI - AMI5350 Arthur Crowe - AC495 Artistic Dreams Imaging - ADI-01632 Barbara Jensen - BJ0784 BJVIP18 Dreaming with Bella – DWB1607 Celinart - C1841P Creative Design Outlet - CDO-1951 CILM - CI-1360LM Digital Chaos - DC-113 Dreamscape Imaging - DSI582 Elegance Fly – ELF_Vivienne Elias Chatzoudis - EAS10253 Garv - KG2307 Goldwasser Art _ GA_Vivienne KATNKDA - NK1759 Mistaken Art - MTA_F133 MTA-1337 My PSP Tubes - MPT1875 Myka Jelina - MK1328 Scraps and the City - SATC1209 Scraps & Co. - S&CO209 Suzanne Woolcott - SW169 Pics For Design - PFD_Dragonfly PSP Project - TPP01390 Psp Tubes Emporium - PTE1351 Stickerchick – SC1875 TooshToosh - Toosh2548 Up Your Art - UYA0859 Verymany - VMT_Dragonfly Zindy - ZZT439 Zlata_M - zlatam_dragonfly Dees’sign Depot – DD_CTVG Tiny Turtle Designs - TTD02490
Monday, June 6, 2022


In this tutorial I used the tube “Serenity” from


A lovely tube which comes with several layer options and is available at

Pics for Design.

 The kit is part of the Scrappin your Heart Out blog train freebie from

Mythical Designs.

 You will need my mask


(open full size before saving).

 Font of choice.

I used a drop shadow of vertical 0, horizontal 5, opacity 75, blur 10.


Open a new transparent canvas 650 by 650 pixels and fill with white.

Make a new layer, select all, paste paper 1 into the selection, deselect, apply the mask and resize 90%, then duplicate it and merge the copy down onto the original.

Paste element 22, resize 60%, position and apply the shadow.

Paste element 23, resize 50%, position and apply the shadow.

Paste the tube, resize 20%, position and apply the shadow.

Paste element 21 and resize 70%.  Click anywhere on your canvas with your magic wand outside of the element to make a selection and expand the selection by 10.  Paste paper 5 below the element and position so just the sky shows inside the arch then hit delete, deselect, apply the shadow to the element, merge it down onto the paper and position behind the tube.

Paste frame 4, resize 45% and rotate 90 degrees in either direction, position below the merged arch and apply the shadow.

Paste element 15 above the merged arch, resize 30%, position and apply the shadow.

Paste element 12, resize 40%, position and apply the shadow.

Paste element 17, resize 50%, mirror, position and apply the shadow.

Paste element 19, resize 30%, position and apply the shadow.

Paste element 20, resize 30%, position and apply the shadow.

Paste element 10 on the top, resize 20%, position and apply the shadow.

Paste element 16, resize 10%, position and apply the shadow.

Paste element 11, resize 15%, position and apply the shadow.

Paste element 13, resize 20%, position and apply the shadow.

Paste element 9, resize 3%, position and apply the shadow.

Paste element 7, resize 15%, position and apply the shadow.

Paste element 1, resize 8%, position and apply the shadow.

Paste element 2, resize 6%, position and apply the shadow.

Paste element 3, resize 6%, position and apply the shadow.

Paste element 5, resize 7%, position and apply the shadow.

Paste element 6, resize 10%, position and apply the shadow.

Paste element 4, resize 15%, duplicate, mirror the copy and resize it another 85%, position and apply the shadow to each.

Paste element 4, resize 8%, position and apply the shadow.

Paste element 18, resize 6%, position and apply the shadow.

Check your layers, add your copyright information and text and export on a transparent background as a png.








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This site is registered for copyright with www.copyrighted.com. The tutorials are, unless otherwise stated, my idea and written by me, any similarity to any other tutorial is entirely coincidental. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of any material on this blog, without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Vivienne and Vivienne's Paintbox with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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